Lomba Foto Astra 2022 Mechanism

Lomba Foto Astra 2022 Theme

Astra mengajak setiap anak bangsa untuk membagikan potret yang membangun, memotivasi, dan menginspirasi melalui Lomba Foto Astra 2022 dengan tema "Bangkit Bersama Untuk Indonesia" yang menggambarkan berbagai macam kegiatan positif untuk bergerak dan bangkit bersama demi pemulihan Indonesia yang lebih cepat, seperti contoh berikut:

  • Potret yang menggambarkan semangat untuk bertahan, bangkit, dan bergerak untuk memulihkan kondisi saat ini.
  • Potret yang mencerminkan rasa optimis dalam menghadapi tantangan untuk mencapai masa depan yang lebih baik.
  • Potret yang mengisahkan semangat perjuangan individu atau kelompok untuk bergerak memajukan Indonesia.
  • Potret yang menunjukkan sinergi yang kokoh atau gotong royong untuk bangkit bersama.
  • Potret yang memunculkan persatuan bangsa Indonesia.
  • Potret yang memunculkan harapan bagi bangsa Indonesia.

Lomba Foto Astra 2022 Terms and Conditions

  1. All participants of Lomba Foto Astra 2022 must subscribe to the SATU Indonesia YouTube channel. Please click here.
  2. Participants who have won first, second and third place in the journalist/general category of Lomba Foto Astra for 2 consecutive years cannot be nominated for first, second and third place. However, you can still take part in the Lomba Foto Astra 2022.
  3. Contestants must be Indonesian citizens (WNI).
  4. For the journalist category, participants are Indonesian journalists who work in local, national, and foreign news agencies, or freelance journalists who work for print and electronic media throughout Indonesia. Must write down the media institution where you work and send a photo of a valid press ID.
  5. The photographs are the results of their own work, have never been published in mass media (except social media) and have never won any title in photography competitions or contests, both offline and online.
  6. Photographs captured between 2018-2022.
  7. Competition period: September 5 – December 31, 2022.
  8. Photos must be in accordance with social norms and do not contain elements of violence, politics, pornography and insults or harassment.
  9. All photographs are the responsibility of the participant, including the use of models and/or property. The Lomba Foto Astra Committee is free from lawsuits in the future from any party, including property owners and/or competition models included in the photographs submitted.
  10. Photos must be in digital format. Photos are taken using a digital camera (DSLR, pocket, mirrorless) or a smartphone that supports photo format requirements. It is not allowed to upload scanned negatives, transparencies, or photo prints.
  11. Photo collages and montages are not allowed. Editing is allowed only to the extent of color, contrast, dodging, burning, rotating, and cropping.
  12. Photographs of winning and nomination participants have the right to be used by Astra for Astra's benefit in any case.
  13. Photos are sent in soft copy by uploading them on the Lomba Foto Astra 2022 microsite.
  14. Participants may upload a maximum of 10 photos. Maximum photo curation period is 3x24 hours. Photos cannot be replaced or deleted after 1x24 hours of passing the curation process.
  15. Photos must be received no later than Saturday, December 31, 2022 23:59 WIB.
  16. Each participant is only entitled to 1 (one) championship title.
  17. Winners of monthly consolation prizes still have the opportunity to win the championship title at the end of the competition period.
  18. Monthly consolation prize winners are announced for the best 2 participants in each category and announced in the first week of October, November, and December 2022.
  19. Prize color may change depending on item availability.
  20. The decision of the Judges is final and cannot be contested.
  21. Winners will be announced in Tuesday, 28 February 2023 on the SATU Indonesia YouTube channel and the www.satu-indonesia.com website.
  22. The Lomba Foto Astra Committee reserves the right not to display, disqualify or delete photos that are deemed not in accordance with the provisions.

Photo Submission:

  1. Maximum photo size 7 MB
  2. JPG (8bit) photo format
  3. Photo resolution 72-300 dpi
  4. Minimum length or height of the photo is 2,048 pixels
  5. Preserve metadata (EXIF)
  6. Support RGB color profile
  7. Photographs captured between 2018-2022
  8. Uploaded photos must not have a watermark/photo identity in any form
  9. Photos must not contain products/services/human resources/social activities/brands outside the Astra Group

Note: Each participant agrees to all the terms and conditions that apply in Lomba Foto Astra 2022.